Service Updates, January 2022

1. Demand Side Platform (DSP) Advertising

DSP advertising performance data is now available summarized by order, line item, and creative asset. Key metrics include total cost, impressions, clicks, and attributed sales. (Not available if you access DSP through a broker account.)

DSP: Performance by Creative

DSP: Performance by Line Item

DSP: Performance by Order


2. New Seller inventory tables

We added several new tables to help sellers manage inventory & understand status throughout Amazon's network.

Daily Inventory History by FC: Shows daily inventory levels by Amazon fulfillment center including quantity, location, and disposition.

Reserved Inventory: Shows the status of inventory that is being processed for customer orders, transfers between fulfillment centers or have been sidelined for various reasons at an Amazon fulfillment center.

Restock Inventory: Provides ASIN-level thresholds for how much inventory can be shipped into Amazon as well as a snapshot of inventory in Amazon's fulfillment network.

Received Inventory: Shows movements of inbound shipments as Amazon is receiving and transferring inventory within their network.


Turn Amazon Data into a strategic Asset

The breadth of Amazon sales, marketing, and supply chain data lets brands find patterns and insights to optimize their Amazon business and other e-commerce channels. But only if you have a plan for extracting the data from Amazon systems, storing it, and preparing it for analysis.

This guide will help you take ownership of your Amazon data—by preparing your business for a data-driven future, and analyzing the most common methods for extraction, automation, storage, and management.

Whitepaper example page, planning framework part 1, determining your data needs

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New Frustration-Free Packaging Designs Released for Amazon Vendors


What Is a Fast Track Score for Amazon Vendors, and How Can I Improve It?