How to Understand and Use Amazon Vendor Central Reports
As a vendor, it's vital to be as efficient as possible when selling to Amazon and also to understand your customer base. The best way to do this is to fully understand the metrics, and many of those metrics are available in reports that Amazon provides in Vendor Central.
How to Use Amazon Seller Central Reports: A Guide
. Learn how to effortlessly navigate through sales, inventory, and advertising data to improve your Amazon Seller performance.
What Is an Amazon Vendor Shortage Claim: A guide to disputing and avoiding shortage claims
Learn how to manage Amazon vendor shortages with strategies to streamline dispute resolution, recoup lost revenue, and optimize your FinOps processes.
What Is an Amazon Vendor Chargeback: A guide to disputing and avoiding Chargebacks
Learn how to manage Amazon vendor chargebacks, understand their causes, and discover strategies to reduce deductions and protect your revenue on the platform.
How to Build an Amazon 3P Seller Profit Calculator
Learn how to build an effective Amazon profit calculator in Excel with this comprehensive guide. Understand the intricacies of creating a Profit & Loss statement tailored for Amazon 3P sellers, including key components like item-level transaction data, cost allocation, and landed product costs. Enhance your Amazon business profitability.
Mastering Amazon Vendor Central: Strategies for Purchase Order Management and Performance Optimization
Learn strategies for Amazon Vendor success with this detailed guide on effective purchase order management. Learn how Amazon evaluates vendor performance beyond simple confirmations and discover key inventory management techniques to ensure timely fulfillment and maximize operational efficiency.
Navigating the Amazon Buy Box: A Guide for Brands
This article delves into the essence of the Amazon Buy Box, recent changes, operational insights, the impact of EU regulations, and monitoring strategies for brands.
Working with Amazon data in Excel
Analytics platforms like Tableau and Power BI are powerful, but can be intimidating and costly for new users. Leverage Excel for quick insights and custom reporting.
Mastering the Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API): A Guide
The release of the Amazon Selling Partner API was a big deal not just for sellers, but for vendors as well. For the first time, vendors are able to access sales, traffic, inventory, and profitability information about their business that they once had to pay a fee for.
A Guide to Understanding Shipped COGS in Amazon Vendor Central Sales Reports
Understanding sales data like shipped COGS, shipped revenue, ordered revenue, and other important metrics are essential to fueling your marketing and product development strategy as an Amazon Vendor.
Amazon ASIN Pageviews Data: A Guide for Sellers and Vendors
The traffic that is coming through your Amazon product page can tell you a lot about the product itself, and give you clues on how to make more money. This guide will help you access this data and identify ways to use it effectively.
Power BI Amazon Seller Central Setup Instructions
Connect your Reason database to Power BI Desktop in 10 minutes, using ODBC.
Connecting Amazon to Google Data Studio: Setup Instructions
Learn how to create custom reports from your Amazon data with Data Studio reports.
Tableau Amazon Seller Central Setup Instructions
Whether you’re an Amazon seller or vendor, you need to visualize your data so you can use it to make decisions about how to run your business. Tableau is a great program for doing that, and this guide will help you set up the software properly so you can see your data.